Economy: Sowore, lawyers accompany embattled corps member, Uguamaye to NYSC LGI office in Lagos

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The embattled National Youth Service Corps member, Ushie Rita Uguamaye has today been accompanied by the Founder of Sahara Reporters, Omoyele Sowore and other team of lawyers to the NYSC LGI office in Eti-Osa LGA, Lagos.

Recall, Rita had been invited by the LGI Coordinator to report at his office following her recent viral video where she criticized the President of Nigeria, Bola Tinubu over his failure to revamp the economy of Nigeria.

In her words as quoted from the viral video, “President Tinubu you are terrible, the economy has collapsed, inflation is biting hard, crate of eggs which was around N800 in the past is now N6500. Which kind country is this?”.

The Corps member has been facing a backlash from several people claiming that the lady has violated NYSC Code of Conduct for insulting the President of Nigeria.

Oduduwa News Correspondent who was at Eti Osa today said Sowore and some other supporters including lawyers stormed the LGI office with the embattled Corps member but the LGI Coordinator was nowhere to be found.

Details later.

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