Just before we start, let us pray

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Oh Lord our creator, we come before you this day with praises and gratitude for taking us this far in our planning for celebration of our birthplace, Ibadanland. Thank you Oh Lord.
We beseech your name in all that we do and we commit ourselves and families under your protection. We pray that you take absolute control of the entire week so that we return all glory to you at the end of this year Ibadan Cultural Festival.
We appreciate our governor and the First Lady, His Excellency, Engineer Oluseyi Abiodun Makinde FNSE, DSC, GSSRS and Her Excellency, Engineer Oluwakemi Tamunominini Makinde for all their support on the program and for all other developments in Ibadanland. May the good Lord continue to guide them, Amen .

We congratulate and felicitate with His Imperial Majesty, Oba Dr. Akinloye Owolabi Olakulehin, Ige Olakulehin 1 and pray that his reign is peaceful and blissful for all of us. Amen

On behalf of the entire 2024 Ibadan Cultural Festival Planning Committee, I congratulate the President General CCII, Alhaji Chief Barrister Sulaiman Ajeniyi Ajewole and the entire Executive council CCII for all their support for this committee since inception.

Lastly, our immense thanks and gratitude goes to all our fantastic donors and sponsors and we pray their blessings shall never diminish. God will continue to increase them in blessings. Ibadan is grateful.

From all of us at the 2024 Ibadan Cultural Festival Planning Committee, we say a big thank you as we celebrate this year Cultural heritage of Ibadanland as we commence with Amala/Fuji Festivals today.

Ile Ibadan yoo gbe Gbogbo wa O. Aamin

God bless Ibadanland
God bless Oyo State
God bless Nigeria.

Balogun Gaphar Ojetola
Chairman, 2024 Ibadan Cultural Festival Planning Committee.

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